Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Nanog 3

Yesterday was day 2 of NANOG57. Like the previous day, I had a blast.
I was pretty tired but took notes on some of the presentations I attended here.
This second day was a lot more social for me. I met individuals from companies all over the networking spectrum. Big shoutout to Joe from google, Jeremy from, Charles from, David from Windstream, and Paul from Jive(Go Portland!). Which is somewhat ironic since while I think of Jive as being a Portland company, something like half of their workers(including Paul) don't work in Portland. These guys are all network admins for their companies/isps and I learned a lot from just talking to them.
I also want to make a big shoutout to Imtech, a UK company that sent Dave and another to NANOG. Dave and his friend are really cool people and welcomed me in right from the start.
I also want to thank the guys whose names I did not get from Comcast, Level 3, and Microsoft who welcomed me with open arms at the Beer 'n Gear. That was a lot of fun and I learned a lot.
Time for breakfast, will report in with more later.

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